It seems perfectly logical that the average entrepreneur/business owner would say “I just don’t have time” frequently. However, what is even more logical is that business owners who have truly grown into “business leaders” rarely say this, and never use it as an excuse for poor leadership. This one statement – “I don’t have time” – or something very similar is one of the clearest indicators that an owner is struggling to grow with his/her business.

Signs that you need to grow as a business leader

  • Your schedule is always full, with no time to invest in yourself or to “think” about your business (e.g., no time to plan ahead, create strategy, read, talk to peers).
  • There are production or execution type tasks that only YOU can perform in your business.
  • Everyone reports to you – or “thinks” they do (they act like they do).
  • You face invoicing/payment challenges (because a lot of that “waits on” or “depends on” you).
  • Financial reporting is almost non-existent or not a priority to you – you are typically unaware of anything but whether there is more revenue or less revenue.
  • You have no prioritized list that you commit to as a guide for your energy and effort.

Signs you are getting there

  • You have four or fewer direct reports.
  • You have clear company objectives, clear priorities, and you spend your energy and time on those priorities first (and feel very good about it!)
  • You can leave the office for a day or even a series of days and all production, client delivery, client service, etc. will take place without requiring your input.
  • You control your schedule and priorities completely and every day there is “think” time on your schedule (oh, and you are scheduling time for health-related activities!)
  • You are always aware (and can provide an accurate overview) of your overall current and near-term financial status (forecast, margins, etc.).
  • You can describe trusted/repeatable processes that exist throughout your business (everything is a “process” vs. a “project’).

Where do you see yourself when you look at these lists? Is it time to work on you as a leader?