Project Description

Double Double

How to Double Your Revenue and Profits in 3 Years or Less

by Cameron Herold

This book is all about creating an environment for “fast growth.” As you look at the table of contents you will note that the word “focus” or “focused” is used over and over again. You can get a great idea of one of the driving factors of growth — focus! What I will say about this book is that once you starting reading it, make sure you have a paper and pen/pencil handy, because the one thing this book will do for you is generate many ideas. While the book itself may lack some specific help in working through your priorities, you will indeed have vivid ideas on where you want your company to go and many practical, actionable ideas to work with.


Preparing for Fast Growth

Chapter 1: Vision/Painted Picture

Chapter 2: Reverse Engineering Your Goals and Projects

Chapter 3: Creating a World-Class Culture

Focused Actions for Fast Growth

Chapter 4: Focused Hiring

Chapter 5: Focused Communications

Chapter 6: Focused Meetings

Chapter 7: Focused Marketing

Chapter 8: Focused Public Relations

Chapter 9: Focused Productivity

Chapter 10: Leveraging Technology

Chapter 11: How to Grow When It’s Slow

Focus on Leadership

Chapter 12: The Roller-Coaster Ride of Entrepreneurship

Chapter 13: Personal Productivity

Chapter 14: Board of Advisers

Chapter 15: Work-Life Balance

Chapter 16: In Summary

Chapter 17: Letters to Myself

Appendix 1: Interview Questions

Appendix 2: Goal Setting and Review Process

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